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4 Collaboration Styles and Tech Needs

Audiovisual December 13, 2016

Variety is the spice of life, and it takes all kinds of collaboration styles to make a company successful. When your work meetings are set up to accommodate only one or maybe two kinds of collaborators, that leaves a lot of employees out in the cold.

Generally speaking, there are four main types of collaboration styles within a workplace. That means your technology should accommodate the needs of those styles to create a more cohesive working environment.

Here are four main collaboration styles:

1. Spontaneous

These folks like to deal with issues and challenges right now and want meeting spaces to be available and have equipment that is easy to use. They like having access to huddle spaces and wireless technologies they can connect to with their own devices.

2. Conventional

These collaborators like to plan their meetings and focus on the business at hand. They want easy-to-use meeting room equipment that won’t waste their time. 

3. Long Distance

These are remote workers or those who simply like flexibility and want the option to work whenever from wherever. They want tools to video conference and share material with colleagues in and out of the office.

4. Curious

These employees like to learn, and they take in information through high-quality presentations. They value their professional development and want access to training opportunities.

The Takeaway

All of these collaborators have at least one thing in common. They don’t want to struggle with cables or their devices. They want to show up when it's time to meet -- whether or not it's on the calendar -- and have everything work without hassle.

Instead of spending the first 15 minutes of your meeting struggling to connect the equipment, there are ways to make it as simple as walking into the meeting.


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